What are some variables of interest? What questions are you planning to ask the public?

Interview 1-2 people via Skype, Facetime, or Zoom (or in-person if they are in your household) who participated in your survey. What did you find? Discuss what you have learned from your interview, in addition to your survey. Include a copy of the interview questions. (Total 2 pages, not including the questions)

What are some variables of interest? What questions are you planning to ask the public? Other than Yes/No, you would need to use matrix questions, contingency questions, and open-ended questions. You should’ve explained more in-depth concerning questions/variables/attritbutes. For example, what are some variables and attributes you want to come up with for the “psychological aspect of crime”? It needs to be a bit more specific.Usually, in surveys, your participants’ responses (perceptions) are your DV because their responses are dependent on your question. Your IV should be those survey questions related to crime