Write a specific analysis of four scenes from films that we have seen in class.

Write a specific analysis of four scenes from films that we have seen in class. (Two scenes from two films – for example, two scenes from
Volver and two scenes from Bend it Like Beckham.)
Other movies:
Do the Right Thing
Shadow of a Doub
Chungking Expres
Mildred Pierc
Buster Keaton “The general”
Mustang Turkey, 2015

Your scene descriptions should be detailed and talk about all aspects of both the mise-en-scene and the cinematography.

Discuss some of the reasons why the director may have used particular elements of the mise-en-scene and cinematography. These reasons might include, e.g.: establishing the genre, tell the stories, set a mood, or reveal the characters.

Your scene descriptions might also describe relevant motifs and themes. Consider also discussing the use of sound.

As an option, you may discuss how the two films are similar or different, in terms of themes, visual style, characters, etc.

In each case make sure that you refer to the relevant handouts

and use the proper film terms