Using theories and models taught in this module and associated reading, you will identify and critically evaluate your organisation’s current strategic situations.

Evaluate your organisation’s current strategic situations

Using theories and models taught in this module and associated reading, you will identify and critically evaluate your organisation’s current strategic situations. Your evaluation must include the organisation’s purpose statements, critical environmental factors (micro, meso & macro), corporate or Strategic Business Unit (SBU)’ strategies, and the implementation environment.

The overarching aim of this work is for you to reflect upon your organisation’s current situations and offer a realistic set of recommendations for improvement. The assessment must therefore make recommendations for further organisational practice development.

You are expected to evaluate your organisations above listed strategic issues and comment on how adequate/successful they are, using what has been explored in the module and the associated reading. You will consider the organisation’s purpose statements, critical environmental factors (micro, meso & macro), corporate or Strategic Business Unit (SBU)’ strategies, and the implementation environment. You should offer recommendations for future success, given the current and expected technical and behavioural challenges and leadership capabilities. You will also consider how you will communicate or implement (for sole top executives or business owners) your proposed changes to the relevant stakeholders.

Suggested Structure

There is no required structure or ‘headings’ for your report – each assignment will vary depending on the issue chosen to analyse and how that issue is analysed/approached – however, the following guide may be helpful:

Executive summary and introduction of your chosen issue

What your report covers / says

Relevance/importance of the issue to the organisation

Key recommendations


A brief introduction to your organisation to give the reader a context for your assignment.

Analysis of the relevant

Evaluation of strategic organisational factors – purpose, vision, mission, value statements etc

Identification and evaluation of specific organisational strategies. The evaluation must include whether the strategies are winners or not.

Analysis of current challenges and approach to implementing the strategies.

Recommendations and Conclusions

Developing key recommendations and conclusions for the organisation regarding how it continues with your issue into the future or would approach/undertake a similar substantive strategic change in the future.

Bibliography / references

Guidelines for Written Report

Your written report should be 2,500 words in length (+/- 10%).

Please ensure that you correctly cite and reference all secondary sources you use and include a reference list. The reference list will not be included in your final word count.