How do your own personal scores compare to the scores from the perspective of an average or prototypical member of your culture?

Question 1. Do your scores match the dominant cultural orientation of your culture? That is, if your culture’s dominant orientation is vertical individualist, did you score the highest on this orientation compared to others? How would you describe the beliefs and values nurtured in your culture? Explain your answers.

Question 2. a) Do the scores from the perspective of an average or prototypical member of your culture match what you know about the dominant cultural orientation of your culture? How do your own personal scores compare to the scores from the perspective of an average or prototypical member of your culture? Do your own personal scores match your perceptions of how others would score on the cultural orientation scale? What does this tell you about your own views about your culture? Explain your answers. b) Finally, please compare your responses to the survey in the two contexts (personally and from the perspective of others) with the norm in your culture. In which case did you find a better match between your answers and those expected from your culture? Why?  Explain using the concepts discussed in this Module.