How are you going to address the research questions? How are you going to acquire and analyse the identified data?

Enhancing Automotive OEM’s Strategic planning for autonomous vehicle and future mobility

This Service is for a topic within my dissertation called Research methodology which goes after my Literature Review Section. In this section we are going to address the following questions regarding my research.

How are you going to address the research questions?

How are you going to acquire and analyse the identified data?

• Are the methods suited to the data?

• Is the approach realistic and achievable?

• Are you comfortable using this research approach?

• What are the limitations of the methodology you use?

• What sources of bias could occur?

• What are the ethical dimensions you need to consider?

For this i would like you guys base the section on the ‘Research Onion Model’ by Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill. Describe each sections/layers of this model and link to how it’s we have used for my research.