What is the name of the artist who created the artwork? • What kind of artwork is it, what medium is it?

The goal of this essay is to critically analyze an artwork. Choose only one work of art from the above listed places that stands out to you and describe it by answering the below questions., you do need to have at least one paragraph for EACH of the below sections. So, one paragraph for the describe section, one paragraph for the analyze section, one paragraph for the interpretation section, and one paragraph for the judgment section.

DO NOT include the image of your work of art inside your actual essay. It will take up room and then your essay will not be three full pages. Upload the image separately into D2L.

Formal Analysis Outline:

Tell what you see (the visual facts).

• What is the name of the artist who created the artwork?
• What kind of artwork is it, what medium is it?
• What is the name of the artwork?
• When was the artwork created?
• List the literal objects in the painting (trees, people, animals, mountains, rivers, etc.).
• What do you notice first when you look at the work(s)? Why?
• What kinds of colors do you see? How would you describe them?
• What shapes can we see? What kind of edges do the shapes have?
• Are there lines in the work(s)? If so, what kinds of lines are they?
• What sort of textures do you see? How would you describe them?
• What time of day/night is it? How can we tell?
• What is the overall visual effect or mood of the work(s)?