How has the artist used light in the work(s)? Is there the illusion of a scene with lights and shadows, or does the artist use light and dark values in a more abstracted way?

Mentally separate the parts or elements, thinking in terms of textures, shapes/forms, light/dark or bright/dull colors, types of lines, and sensory qualities. In this step consider the most significant art principles that were used in the artwork. Describe how the artist used them to organize the elements. (YOU NEED TO TALK ABOUT ELEMENTS OF ART AND PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN)

Suggested questions to help with analysis:
How has the artist used colors in the work(s)?
What sort of effect do the colors have on the artwork?
How has the artist used shapes within the work of art?
How have lines been used in the work(s)? Has the artist used them as an important or dominant part of the work, or do they play a different roll?
What role does texture play in the work(s)? Has the artist used the illusion of texture or has the artist used actual texture? How has texture been used within the work(s).
How has the artist used light in the work(s)? Is there the illusion of a scene with lights and shadows, or does the artist use light and dark values in a more abstracted way?
How has the overall visual effect or mood of the work(s)? been achieved by the use of elements of art and principles of design.
How were the artists design tools used to achieve a particular look or focus