How do the first 4 amendments secure basic freedoms for the American people? Pick one of the first four amendments and explain how it secures basic freedoms. Remember some of the amendments have multiple protections so be sure to include that in your response.

Before you begin reading, go through the questions below. Identify what you should be looking for while you’re reading so you can highlight and take note of the parts of the reading that will help you answer the questions below.

After reading the chapter and reviewing the PowerPoint and supplemental readings and/or videos on canvas, complete the questions below. Your responses should:

be at least one paragraph, 5-7 sentences, per question set (meaning numbers 1,2,3, etc should be about one paragraph in length each)
demonstrate a clear engagement and understanding of the course material, critical application of the concepts or terms
should include clear grammar and sentence structure
cite any evidence used from the text or outside source (this is important, if you don’t cite, will report it to me as plagiarism)
be typed, Calibri and 12-point font.
You will get 5 points for completing the assignment following the above guidelines.

You will get 3 points if there are 1-3 missing elements from the above guidelines.

You will get 0 points if there are more than 4 missing elements from the above guidelines.

1. Civil liberties are limitations on the power of government to ensure personal freedoms. Explain the history of civil liberties in the United States. Were they included in our Constitution? Why was Barron v. Baltimore significant and how does the courts decision impact laws in American states? Why is the 14th amendment significant?
2. How do the first 4 amendments secure basic freedoms for the American people? Pick one of the first four amendments and explain how it secures basic freedoms. Remember some of the amendments have multiple protections so be sure to include that in your response.
3. How do the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th amendments provide rights for “suspects” in America. Pick one of the aforementioned amendments and explain how it provides rights to a suspect. Remember some of the amendments have multiple protections so be sure to include that in your response.
4.How do the 9th and 10th amendments interpret the Bill of Rights? Pick one of the two amendments and explain how it helps people, lawmakers and judges interpret the bill of rights. Remember some of the amendments have multiple protections so be sure to include that in your response.