Use the following format and information to write the various sections of your Applied Management Project.

Applied Management Project
Annotated Outline

Use the following format and information to write the various sections of your Applied Management Project. Be sure to review details for each section in Workshops 1 – 5.

Title Page Format per APA Guidelines.

Table of Contents (Begin the Table of Contents as page 2.)
This is a simple listing of the main and subheadings in the paper, keyed to their corresponding page numbers. Number each following page sequentially through the last page of the project.

Case Description (Begin a new page.)

Introduction (½ – ¾ page)
Write the Introduction as a brief, executive summary of the entire case. It should not have too much detail—just enough to cover what the study was about, how the research was done, and what the analysis revealed (100 – 150 words).
Once the project is complete, the introduction can be revised and written in the past tense.

History of the company, division, or department (1 ½ – 2 pages)
Describe the history of the company, division or department, be sure to include the mission statement of the organization, division, and department.

History of the organizational structure of the company (if that information is available)
(1 ½ – 2 pages)
Explain the overall organizational structure. Include how the division or department is organized and how it fits into the company structure. Discuss changes to the organizational structure, if the structure has changed within the last five years.

Problem statement (2 ½ – 3 ½ pages)
This section includes the following three areas:
Explanation of the Problem (1 – 1 ½ pages)
Explain the problem within the context of the company and how it has developed throughout the evolution of the company, leader, and structure.
Purpose Statement ( 1 page – 1 ½ pages)
Include your purpose statement to explain how you plan to address the problem within your research.
Research questions ( ½ page)
Include two to three research questions that you will be researching