Develop a Fiscal Condition Report. Refer to Research Paper: Fiscal Condition Analysis Report Template as a guide. You will be conducting a partial fiscal condition analysis, as all the components will not be analysis, just the five (5) above.

Fiscal Condition Analysis Assignment Guide
Open and save the Abridged Maumelle Budget found on the assignment page
This contains all the information you will need to enter into your spreadsheets.
When dealing with dollars over time:
Before entering the budgeted amounts in the excel spreadsheets, you need to convert each dollar amount to constant dollars. Due to inflation, the purchasing power of the dollar changes over time, so to compare dollar values from one year to another, they need to be converted from nominal (current) dollar values to constant dollar values.
The easiest way to do that is to use an inflation calculator, such as the U.S. Inflation Calculator found in your assignment resources.

The number of Households in Maumelle, Arkansas are as follows:
2020 = 4,394
2019 = 4,046
2018 = 3,782

Open and save the following Research Paper: Fiscal Condition Analysis Resources:
Total Revenues Per Household (2020 Dollars)
Property Tax Revenues
Sales Tax Revenues
Personnel Costs Per Household
Operating Expenditures Per Household

Use the above spreadsheets (Excel), for revenues and expenditures. They are interactive, so when you place the appropriate figures in the spreadsheet with the data for Maumelle, Arkansas, the data and graphs will automatically be updated to correspond with the data you entered. You must enter both the dollars in the budget and the constant dollar amounts (2020 Dollars)

Now, develop a Fiscal Condition Report. Refer to Research Paper: Fiscal Condition Analysis Report Template as a guide. You will be conducting a partial fiscal condition analysis, as all the components will not be analysis, just the five (5) above.

Analyze what the findings tell you. (In this case, what does the table and its concomitant chart tell you about the trend. A paragraph for each set of tables and charts should suffice. You only need one analysis for each table and its concomitant chart. For analysis, treat each table and its concomitant chart as one since they are measuring identical data)