Charlotte refusedto accept the money or return the necklace, claimingthat she and Kira had a valid contractof sale. Kira explained that she had been intoxicatedat the time the bargain was made andthus the contract was voidable at her option. WasKira correct? Explain

Business Law

Clear answers and no more than 300words for each discussion.

1- Revocation and Acceptance. On Thursday, Dennis mailed a letter to Tanya’s office offering to sell his car to her for $3,000. On Saturday,having changed his mind, Dennis senta fax to Tanya’s office revoking his offer. Tanyadid not go to her office over the weekend andthus did not learn about the revocation until Mondaymorning, just a few minutes after shehad mailed a letter of acceptance to Dennis. WhenTanya demanded that Dennis sell his carto her as promised, Dennis claimed that no contractexisted because he had revoked hisoffer prior to Tanya’s acceptance. Is Dennis correct?Explain.

2- Bargained-for Exchange. On Brenda Sniezek’s firstday of work for the Kansas City ChiefsFootball Club, she signed a document that compelledarbitration of any disputes that shemight have with the Chiefs. In the document, Sniezekpromised that on the arbitrator’sdecision, she would release the Chiefs from any relatedclaims. Nowhere in the documentdid the Chiefs agree to do anything in return forSniezek’s promise. Was there considerationfor the arbitration provision? Explain. [Sniezek v.Kansas City Chiefs Football Club, 402S.W.3d 580 (Mo.App. W.D. 2013)]

3- . Intoxicación. After Kira had had several drinksone night, she sold Charlotte a diamondnecklace worth thousands of dollars for one hundreddollars. The next day, Kira offered theone hundred dollars to Charlotte and requested thereturn of her necklace. Charlotte refusedto accept the money or return the necklace, claimingthat she and Kira had a valid contractof sale. Kira explained that she had been intoxicatedat the time the bargain was made andthus the contract was voidable at her option. WasKira correct? Explain