write a critical essay in which you show how your specific argument is exemplified in the story.

Everyday Use Alice Walker

What’s the dominant theme of the story? How do various parts of the story highlight or support the theme? Some ideas include heritage and tradition, ownership, limitations of being educated vs. a rural existence, race, etc

The final writing assignment you will work on is a research paper. For this assignment, you’ll
write a three to four page MLA formatted essay, double-spaced and typed in 12 point,Times
New Roman font about the stories we read during the fiction module. This essay will require you to do more than simply back up your opinions with lines from the story; this time you will also bring in at least two outside sources for support for your argument. You may use more sources (and probably will/should).
For your research paper, One goal of this assignment is to write a critical essay in which you show how your specific argument is exemplified in the story. A second goal is to show the scope of your research process and how you integrated quotes from scholarly articles.
You must also quote from your story. Your story does not count as one of the outside sources. This is your primary source. So, most of you will have at least three sources from which you’ll pull information.