What is your overall focus and research aim? Do you have objectives? – To identify evidence defining the effectiveness of Invasive versus non-invasive ventilation.

Versus Invasive Ventilation management

a 2,500-word research (proposal)

Based upon: Effectiveness of Non-Invasive Ventilation, Versus Invasive Ventilation management of patients with Type 1 Respiratory failure in an Intensive Care unit – 15 patient group – (Hypothetical).

Guidance for writing up your Research Proposal.
It is helpful for those marking the assessment if you clearly label each part of your proposal with sub-headings suggested below – the word limits/numbers in brackets are not prescriptive, but merely included for guidance.

1. Introduction (100 words)
What is your overall focus and research aim? Do you have objectives? – To identify evidence defining the effectiveness of Invasive versus non-invasive ventilation.

2. Justification of Study (200 words)
Focus upon justification of the study. Why is the research question relevant to clinical practice, education or management? Why would it be of value to consider the topic? Is there a gap in current evidence? Is the existing research outdated now?