Complete a life history record of a famous person or researcher in the field of psychology. The person may be a public or a historical figure. This record will begin at birth and will end at death or the age at which the subject is currently.

 Complete a life history record of a famous person or researcher in the field of psychology. The person may be a public or a historical figure. This record will begin at birth and will end at death or the age at which the subject is currently.

Be sure to include the ages and/ or dates of significant events and developmental high points of the person studied and how they connect with his/her contributions to the field of Psychology. You must use birth certificates, school records, newspaper articles, interviews, and/ or other public information to compile your record. The final record should take the form of a timeline.

High and low points of the subject’s life must also be indicated. In a sense you will be telling a complete story of this subject’s life through a time line. The life history record timeline must be presented in a Power Point presentation with sufficient evidence cited and graphics explaining and depicting relevant life events or stressors and how they contributed to the subject’s contributions to the field of psychology. In addition, sources must be cited on a final slide or Word document.