Explain how you would approach this new challenge. What would be your first task?

Assume you just became in charge of a major project inside the Customer Success team – implementation of a new CRM tool called Zendesk. Your job is to migrate from the old CRM system to the new and improve the overall agent and player experience inside the new tool by implementing new features and optimizing workflow.

Explain how you would approach this new challenge. What would be your first task?
Check out Zendesk’s website (most specifically what they offer) and write 5 things that you think are crucial for a fully functional CS team. You can find the list of features here: https://www.zendesk.com/service/
Since Zendesk requires quite a lot of implementation you would have to work with different teams, from BE to IT and design team. Please write a draft message to an IT specialist, asking him to help you implement a spam filter in Zendesk.