Discuss how this article will be beneficial to your assigned topic.

Discuss how this article will be beneficial to your assigned topic.

RUA : Nurse turnover rate post-pandemic and the effect on patient care

The weekly outcomes to meet this week are linked to the course outcomes in parentheses.
Locate sources of evidence that pertain to a significant issue in nursing. (CO 1)
Differentiate quantitative from qualitative research. (CO 2)
Compare steps of the research process to the steps of the nursing process. (CO 2)
Distinguish information found in various sections of the research report and research poster. (CO 2)
Analyze research findings to determine the relevance of the evidence to one’s own practice. (CO 2)

The discussion thread is divided into the RUA groups, to help you get started on the RUA project as a group. Respond to the title of your RUA group with your initial response. The first two RUA parts are done as individual assignments and the third as a group. But you must use the same PICOT question through all 3 assignments. Use primary sources without duplicating primary sources among group members. How to search and identify primary sources are discussed in the WebEx this week.

Since this is a different than the other weeks. Let me further clarify
Decide what area of the topic that you are most interested in.
Search that topic for a scholarly primary research article (not qualitative or expert opinion).
Present the article in a short paragraph. Describe a possible PICOT question.
Describe a possible PICOT question. and tell why the article would help answer the question.