What was there presenting complaint and associated symptoms? Why do they need admission, what is the definitive diagnosis and medical plan of care?

Introduction: Be clear and concise, briefly state what you are going to cover in your essay and the tools that were used. Make sure you refer to all of the learning outcomes. Also make sure you state that the patients name and personal details have been changed in line with NMC confidentiality guidelines.

(This is a brief example yours should be about 150-200 words long and can include references, remember to mention here in the introduction that you have anonymised the patients details in line with policy).

‘In this case study a patient who was admitted to a surgical assessment unit with abdominal pain will be discussed. The patients real name and personal details has been changed in line with the NMC (2015) regulations relating to maintenance of confidentiality. The nursing assessment tool used on admission will be identified and one element of care from this assessment will be critically discussed. Reference will be made to the local and national policies and strategies which informed the care delivered during the patients stay in hospital. Also the other members of the multidisciplinary team that the patient was referred to will be identified. Finally, consideration will be given to any discharge plans made in relation to maintaining the safety of the patient when he returns home.”

Case Study: Introduce your chosen patient, explain how and why they presented to the hospital. (Remember your chosen patient has to have a medical or surgical condition and a reason for admission to hospital/unit/prison).

Specify the following information (you should be able to derive this information from the patients medical and nursing admission notes):

1) What was their admission care pathway? Were they referred by their GP, via A+E, via outpatients or another route? Did they come by ambulance or public transport?
2) What was there presenting complaint and associated symptoms? Why do they need admission, what is the definitive diagnosis and medical plan of care?
3) Who was involved in their admission process? Who were they admitted under? E.g. cardiologist. What type of ward were they admitted to, was this the correct clinical area? Were they transferred from one ward to another before arriving with you? Why was this?