What are some political factors that go into deciding if this is an acceptable location for a new regional landfill?

Leachate and Groundwater Monitoring

a. Why are landfills designed to have a leachate head of 12 inches on the liner? If the leachate head had the potential to build to 24 inches, what is a simple design technique that could relieve the hydraulic pressure on the liner?
b. What are the monitoring requirements for an operational landfill? Create a table to describe what each parameter measures and why knowing this is important.
c. What are the post-closure monitoring requirements? Create a table to describe what each parameter measures and why knowing this is important? (Your total responsibility for all parts of this question should be at least 200 words.)

4) Assume that a landfill is proposed for a location that is located east of a forest, west of a national park, and north of a major river.

a. What are some political factors that go into deciding if this is an acceptable location for a new regional landfill?
b. What engineering modifications could you recommend that would make this site acceptable to the city council?
c. If the landfill location is rejected, what recommendations would you propose for managing the municipal solid waste for the community? (Your total responsibility for all parts of this question should be at least 200 words.)