Write a a three- to five-page report on the security, recovery and other DBMS administration enhancements you would make to the DBMS.

Write a a three- to five-page report on the security, recovery and other DBMS administration enhancements you would make to the DBMS. Include your references in APA format.

Expanding on your Project 2 report with your new DBMS knowledge, write a 3-5 page report on the security, recovery and other DBMS administration enhancements you would make to the DBMS.

Your report will have 1” margins, double-spaced lines, 12-point font, and your references in APA format at the end on a separate page not included in the 3-5 page count.

Name your file, Project 3 – your name. Submit your report in the drop box by the due date posted in the course schedule.