How much does personal developmental history effect moral behavior?;

How Much Should We Do for Our Fellow Man?
                  We are ruminating over, at least, three topics here:
1) How much does personal developmental history effect moral behavior?;
2) How much should we do for our fellow man ?
3) When we support weakness and the unfortunate, do we then make people weak
(Give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, he eats for life.)?

First, read attached “Shame”, by Dick Gregory. (DO NOT answer the questions for “Shame” – they precede your essay to help with your focus.)
Then, write a researched-supported paper  (at least two sources), MLA-styled,  1,000-2,500 word essay, using at least two quotes from sources for support on the one of these inquiries (beware reliance on personal anecdotes) —