Establish a method for initial and continuing evaluation of the competence of those registered nurses authorized to perform standardized procedure functions.


Develop a protocol/standardized procedure following the California Board of Registered Nursing formats for either a process protocol or a disease specific protocol (BRN sample (Links to an external site.)).

Provide the General Policy section and the Development and Approval section for the standardized procedure.

The specific disease should be a common health problem that is within the scope of primary care and the nurse practitioner role. Do not use UTI since the BRN example is provided for this disease. Do not do a disease that another student in this class is doing.  use the discussion Board below to “claim” your topic. The protocol is to be typed, double-spaced, accurate, and free of grammar, spelling, and typographical errors.

Use the most recent APA manual for the citation of references. Be sure to clearly cite the BRN document you will be primarily using the words from the BRN example.

Specify any experience, training, and/or education requirements for performance of standardized procedure functions.

  Establish a method for initial and continuing evaluation of the competence of those registered nurses authorized to perform standardized procedure functions.

Provide for a method of maintaining a written record of those persons authorized to perform standardized procedure functions.

Specify the scope of supervision required for performance of standardized procedure functions, for example, immediate supervision by a physician.

 Set forth any specialized circumstances under which the registered nurse is to immediately communicate with a patient’s physician concerning the patient’s condition.

 State the limitations on settings, if any, in which patient’s physician functions may be performed.

 Specify patient record keeping requirements.

Provide for a method of periodic review of the standardized procedures.