Describe the organism’s morphological characteristics. Describe the organism’s physiological characteristics.

Plant and Animal Diversity Project

You are to use your textbook and online resources to research information about one plant organism and one animal organism. You will write one Written Report for each organism and you will deliver a Presentation for both organisms during a laboratory class session towards the end of the course. Below is a list of information for you to report about your plant and animal.

What is the common name of the organism?
What is the full scientific classification of the organism (Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species).
For example: Eukarya – Animalia – Chordata – Mammalia – Primates – Hominidae – Homo – Sapiens

Describe the organism’s morphological characteristics.
Describe the organism’s physiological characteristics.
In what environment(s) and ecosystem(s) can your organism be found?
What tier of the food chain does it occupy?
How does your organism interact with the other species around it and does it shares a special relation with any other species?
Find out more about this specific living thing- anything special about it. Your answers to the above questions should be written in paragraph form as a Written Report for each organism.

Organize your answers with section headings for each section (a-h) listed above
For example:
Common Name








Environment and Ecosystem


Food Chain




Special Traits


Make sure your name is on each page (putting your name in the heading is recommended)

Use 12 point font and 1.5x line spacing (or 2.0x line spacing).

The due date for the Written Reports (one per organism) can be found on the BIO101 Lab Schedule.

Reminder: the main text of the reports should be written in paragraph form, not in a bulleted list (the headings for each section can be in a list format)

The date of the Presentations can be found on the BIO 101 Lab Schedule

Prepare a PowerPoint (or other presentation software) slide presentation that shows an image of each of your organisms.

Your presentation should have a minimum of two slides: one for the animal organism and one for the plant organism, but you can have additional slides as well.

Your presentation does not have to be long, but is has to be complete. You should describe each of your organisms and include information about: their classification, their morphology, their physiology, the environment they are found in, their interactions with other organisms, and any special traits they have.

Your presentation should ideally take 3 – 5 minutes.

An example presentation can be viewed using the link below:

Pick one plant organism and one animal organism from the lists below and email your instructor your choices. Organism selections are first-come-first-served, so choosing early and emailing your instructor is recommended. You may also suggest alternative organism choices to your instructor and your instructor will determine if those alternative organisms will be suitable.

Plant Organisms
Sundew Mosquito Fern Water Hyacinth Aaron’s Beard Prickly Pear
Sugar Maple Spotted water hemlock Banana Lily Weeping Willow
Blue Flag Iris Ground Pine Sequoia Petunia
Agave Horsetail Hornwort Cattails
Aloe Vera Beach Star Liverwort Rosemary
Autumn Sage Duck weed Daffodil Red Veined Dock
Alligator Flag Royal Palm Strangler Fig Purple Loosestrife
Wild Mustard Kudzu Great Basin Bristlecone Pine Sago Palm

Animal Organisms
Beef Tapeworm Thylacine Stone Crab Hammerhead Shark
Pileated Woodpecker Portuguese Man O’ War Leafcutter Ant Marine Iguana
Planarian Grizzly Bear Wolf Spider Hellbender
Tiger Giant Earthworm Geoduck Sea Walnut
Moon Jelly Blue Whale Queen Conch Golden Eagle
Platypus Tasmanian Devil Green Sea Turtle Delmarva Fox Squirrel
Bdelloid Rotifer Water Bear Velvet Worm Coelocanth
Horsehair Worm Greater Bird-of-Paradise Flamboyant Cuttlefish American Crocodile