Discuss the evidence that a disruption of astrocytic networks may lead to depressed behaviour.

Biological Foundation of Mental Health

The format must  be of the scientific essay as outlined in the Coursework Guidance you can find in the assessment section of the module on KEATS. The word limit for your essay is 1500 words + 10%, that is, 1650 words.

The penalty for exceeding this limit is a deduction of 5 marks, and words beyond this will not be considered. The word count includes everything in the main body of the text -headings, tables plus table legends, figures plus figure legends, in-text citations. We do not allow footnotes or appendices. If you do use figures or tables in your final essay,  make sure these are clearly linked to the text and that these clearly aid the reader’sunderstanding of your writing. The Reference listat the end of your essay is not included in the word count.The title of your chosen essay should be included unmodified at the beginning(please note that this is not included in the word count).For your final submission, you need to download the Final Essay Submission Document from the assessment section of the module on KEATS, fill in the Cover sheet and add your essay to the same Word document.

Do not edit the Cover sheet. Essays missing the Cover sheet may not be accepted.Before starting on your essay question  read the general Coursework Guidance provided in the assessment section on KEATS carefully.

Essay Questions

1) Discuss the lines of evidence, which suggest that astrocytes may play a role in depression.

Discuss the evidence that a disruption of astrocytic networks may lead to depressed behaviour.

2) You are working on an exciting project that will involve induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs) and have been tasked with generating these cells. Critically discuss how you will generate the iPSCs, including w