Bibliography Worksheet
Using the KPU Library Databases (or Google Scholar) find peer reviewed papers (journal articles) to help you answer the questions in this worksheet. You should use at least one paper per question. You may also use and cite the appropriate Moodle unit(s), but the goal of this assignment is focus on finding and utilizing peer reviewed science articles. Type out each answer in paragraph form in the space provided and be sure to cite relevant information using APA citation style 7th edition. At the end of the worksheet list the references used in proper APA style in the space titled “References” (including a reference to the Moodle unit(s), if applicable).
Note: The answers provided can be used to help you formulate the Introduction section of your lab report, which you will begin to write the following week. Not all of the papers included on this worksheet must appear in your final lab report. You can add or remove papers as needed to properly cite the information that will be in your final lab report.

Why was yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) used as a model organism in this particular project? In your answer include a brief description of yeast, why it is useful in a laboratory environment, and why it is useful for genetic studies.