Identifying the current use, current zoning, and future land use plan designation of the site under consideration

Term Paper (Case Study): The student will select a significant current planning project (a significant planned unit development with a residential component), subject to the instructor’s prior approval. Students will submit a written case study to the instructor on Turnitin. Each student will

(1) acquire copies of the public documents relating to this issue or project,

(2) personally visit the site,

(3) attend at least one meeting which includes a public hearing, preferably before a Planning Commission or Hearing Officer and

(4) prepare a written case study including:

Identifying the applicant, the location and size of the subject project, and the scope and intent of the applicant’s application (comprehensive regarding all elements of the

Identifying the current use, current zoning, and future land use plan designation of
the site under consideration

Describing the surrounding properties and the existing zoning and land use

Describing any deviations from the future land use plan requested by the applicant

Summarize staff comments on the project

Summarize any concerns expressed at public hearings or correspondence from
adjacent residents, businesses and other property owners

Summarize the conclusions, comments reached from the public hearing

In a concluding section, discuss the concepts and issues of this course as they relate
to this project as follows: