Smoking is killing Columbus Ohio


Argument for Change/Proposal Argument 1

125 points

(5 to 7 pages, APA format, Times New Roman size 12)

Paper – 100 pts

Reference Page – 25 pts

Compose a proposal argument that convinces readers to take action to solve a problem or address an issue in your specific neighborhood, city, or surrounding area.

The paper can draw from your point of view about a change that needs to take place in your community and/or day-to-day life.

The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader of a problem/issue and propose a solution that you’ve researched and can support with credible evidence. You will need at least four credible sources:

2 credible journal articles from online databases (Google Scholar or via the Library)

1 hard copy source (e-book, book, newspaper, digital journal, newspaper, or magazine article)

1 source of your choice

This assignment applies Student Learning Outcome

1, Demonstrate proper use of APA documentation style; Student Learning Outcome

2, Interpret a variety of text and additional print material; Student Learning Outcome

3, Examine and evaluate different forms of research; Student Learning Outcome

4, Create an argumentative paper that integrates the student’s viewpoint with multiple viewpoints from research about a topic based upon a given reading assignment; and Student Learning Outcome

5, Write a position paper soliciting change.


(statisics )

Brasky, T. M., Hinton, A., Doogan, N. J., Cooper, S. E., Nagaraja, H. N., Wenna Xi, Shields, P. G., & Wewers, M. E. (2018). Characteristics of the Tobacco User Adult Cohort in Urban and Rural Ohio. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 4(1), 614–630. (assessment )

Agaku, I., Olaiya, O., Quinn, C., Tong, V., Kuiper, N., Conrey, E., Sharma, A., Mullen, S., & Dee, D. (2015). A Mixed-Methods Assessment of a Brief Smoking Cessation Intervention Implemented in Ohio Public Health Clinics, 2013. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 19(12), 2654–2662. (solution )

Ted Strickland. (n.d.). We’re reducing smoking. USA Today. (changes and outcomes)

(good outcomes conclusion)