Gender Equality in Vietnam:Prepare Families In global perspectives literature review paper

Gender Equality in Vietnam

Families In global perspectives literature review paper

50 pts: 7 double space pages of text: Does not include title page or reference pages

All papers must be formatted in the APA 6th or 7th Edition Style; APA format should be used throughout the paper including the title page, body of the paper, and the reference page.

Students will write a literature review paper covering one of the groups covered in class, no exceptions. Specifically, students will review the scholarly research that pertains to their topic.

The literature review paper must include a title page, introduction, ecological systems theory section, literature review of the families in global perspectives topic, proposed solutions based on scholarly research, conclusion and a reference page

Points Distribution

Introduction 5 pts

Students must introduce their topic and what will be covered in the literature review paper.

Ecological Systems Theory 5 pts

Students must ground their topic in ecological systems theory. Students are allowed to use any of the ecological theories discussed in class.

Literature Review and Writing 25 pts

The literature review section must have at least 5 references however, 8-10 scholarly references are recommended. Popular press, media, textbook and internet references (does not include online journals) will be acceptable for this assignment on a limited level and must be approved by the instructor. Thus, scholarly references should be the majority of the citations utilized. This section should thoroughly discuss the previous literature as it relates to the student’s topic.

Conclusion and Reflection 10 pts

The conclusion should summarize the paper and illustrate the impact of this paper on future research and practice. This section can include a short reflection from the student about the topic.

APA Style and Writing 5 pts

Total Points 50pts

Important points to remember when you are writing your paper.

Do not use quotations throughout your paper. You will need to paraphrase.
Avoid first person when writing. Papers will be graded for spelling and grammar.
When writing your paper you must integrate the information from your sources.

Give yourself time to find your sources and to write.
Sources of information for your topics

Journal sources are available at the library. I strongly suggest that you utilize the library scientist to help you get started. Remember these individuals are highly trained in this area and are there to help you. The following are examples of human development and family relations scholarly journals and other related journals:

Journal of Comparative Family Studies

Journal of Family Issues

Journal of Marriage and the Family

Family Science Review

Journal of Family Social Work

Family Relations

Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal

Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences

Child Development

Young Children


Journal of Adolescent Research

Family Process

Family Journal

Marriage and Family Review

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy

Gender and Society

Families in Society

Education Gerontology, Psychology, Social Work, Women Studies, Ethnic Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Criminal Justices, Law and related journals are also acceptable.