Chemical Exposure in Consumer Products

Chemicals that we are exposed to in every day consumer products can affect the developing fetus and could affect the person later in life. This is because some chemicals can disrupt the body’s chemical messenger system, the endocrine system, even at very small concentrations. Developing unborn children are particularly vulnerable to these impacts and could suffer from reproductive system malformations, infertility, early puberty, cancers, and neurological and behavioral problems. The book, Our Stolen Future, about threats of chemicals to human health and wildlife, brought attention to the fact that humans are being exposed to chemicals from consumer products and the potential exists for serious health effects from these chemicals. More information about endocrine disrupting chemicals is available at

Write a 5 page paper using 7th edition APA format which promotes consumer safety.
Provide an overview of endocrine disrupting chemicals and how consumers are exposed to them. Highlight the particular chemical that you have selected, examining exposure risks and health effects as well as safety precautions that discusses the following:
What are endocrine disrupting chemicals?
How are humans exposed toChemical Exposure disrupting chemicals?
How do endocrine disrupting chemicals affect human health?
Select one chemical that is an endocrine disrupting chemical and discuss how humans might be exposed to this chemical. Also discuss its effects on human health. There is a list of chemicals at
Note: Many of the chemicals on this list are in children’s toys, cookware, furniture, and other common consumer products….don’t let the chemical names intimidate you!