write about a quote from history – the time period we are studying 1650 to the present.

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce

You have two objectives for this assignment.

Part One —
In part one you will write about a quote from history – the time period we are studying 1650 to the present.
You will write a one page essay on what the quote means. Your quote from history will be “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce by Karl Marx”

Part Two —
The second objective, in the same document, you will write “Why we study history”.
Peter Stearns has a great article on this which will help you get started: https://www.historians.org/about-aha-and-membership/aha-history-and-archives/archives/why-study-history-%281998%29
Make sure your assignment is one document, not two separate. Doing this will result in a deduction in your grade.
You are to have a title page.
Line spacing is 2. Font is Arial 10 or Times New Roman 12.
Total page requirement for this assignment will be 2-3 pages in length. First part of your essay is to be one page in length, the second part of your essay is to be 1-2 pages in length.
You will have a minimum of two sources. One source for Part 1 and one source for Part 2. This needs to be on a bibliography page.