What do you think the title means? From what is Chris returning? To what is he returning?

This assignment is based on the novel Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West

Requirements for Excelling (A)
These responses are insightful, original, and thoroughly address the prompt question.
These responses choose one main point to focus on and stick to that point throughout the whole post.
These posts make specific reference to the literary texts – this is best done through specific quotations from the text. The writer should explain why the quoted text is important to the point being made in the post.
These posts are well-written and demonstrate careful editing.
Includes questions at end of post that encourage others to offer different viewpoints or to make connections to other material or to discuss other parts/components of the text.

Question The Title of West’s novel

What do you think the title means? From what is Chris returning? To what is he returning? What function does the figure of the “soldier” play in the novel? How does this figure overlook the female characters in the text? And finally, consider what Kitty means by “he is cured?” in the concluding lines of the novel. Does Jenny, or the reader for that matter, have a different understanding of this line?