Explain and describe the various costing methods used in management accounting. Outline their advantages and disadvantages. Provide real time examples by using data from listed companies in the UK.

Assignment 2 – Essay (100 points)
1) Explain and describe the various costing methods used in management accounting. Outline their
advantages and disadvantages. Provide real time examples by using data from listed companies in the
Guidelines for Assignment 2
This is an individual assignment. Ground your answers in relevant theory.
Plagiarism and reproduction of someone else’s work as your own will be penalized.
The report should be your own work and properly referenced according to the requirements of
the APA Referencing system.
Structural elements should include a cover page, introduction, main body, conclusion and reference page.
Literature should be sourced from a variety of external sources such as textbooks and journal articles.
The report must be submitted in a single word document using the corresponding link found in the toggle
titled ‘‘Submission Link: Assignment 2” and it will be automatically checked with “Turnitin”. Accurate
referencing of sources is crucial in this examination.
REFERENCE all sources using the APA referencing system and make sure that you are familiar
with this.
familiarize yourself with the regulations on late submission.
This assignment carries a weight of 20% of the final module grade.