Choose one of the four groups from the list below. Discuss gender socialization with regards to the group of your choice.

Choose one of the four groups from the list below. Discuss gender socialization with regards to the group of your choice. Name at least two examples of how gender impacts the socialization process in your group and how this socialization reinforces gender role and identity. You will need to elaborate and explain your example properly, using no less than 550 words. You can draw from your own experiences and/or your observation of others around you.

Example for each group (you may not use these examples in your post):

Family: boys are expected to help mow the lawn whereas girls are expected to help cook.
Peer Groups: boys get peer pressure from other boys to not show their emotions whereas girls are expected to share their emotions with other girls.
Education: boys are encouraged to major in STEM whereas girls are expected to major in “Pink Collar” occupations.
Media: men are portrayed as superheroes whereas women are portrayed as “damsels in distress.”