Choose a job you are highly interested in pursuing post-graduation. You can choose the same position as you opted for in Homework Assignment #2, or if you decided that one was not a good fit for you, feel free to choose an alternate.


1) Choose a job you are highly interested in pursuing post-graduation. You can choose the same position as you opted for in Homework Assignment #2, or if you decided that one was not a good fit for you, feel free to choose an alternate.

2) Research that specific company, and their competition, as it relates to the compensation plan and benefits offered. You will need to compare and contrast (at least) 2 different organizations. You can choose to compare a corporate company to that of a locally owned small business, corporate company to corporate company, or locally owned small business to another locally owned small business.

3) Utilizing the attached Compensation Strategy Template below, and research from sources like GlassDoor, fill in the blanks. Every cell in red font should be updated by you with accurate details about your position.

4) After careful analysis, share which company, based on your research, do you think is the best fit for you, and why. The highest base pay may not equate to the highest total compensation package. The highest total compensation package may not be the best fit for you. (No less than 1/2 page – give me context and specific terms from the book! I’m looking for a self-evaluation here.)

5) You should have a minimum of 5 sources for this assignment. MLA or APA format is not required, but  do include your sources (website addresses, links to articles, etc.) at the end of your paper. The Excel portion of the assignment should look nice and polished, you will need to make sure the file looks more professional than what was given to you. For the writing part of the assignment, use a memo format like previous assignments.