Provide an overview on the company and a conscience of your report

marketing strategy

You required to perform situation analysis for H&M Specifically, you are expected to evaluate H&M business scope, remote and near environments (industry, competitors, consumers) and internal resources. In conclusion of your situation analysis, a problem and opportunity statement should be formulated and justified.

You are then expected to develop a marketing strategy for H&M analysis. You are expected to draw on your situation analysis to justify your proposed marketing objectives, high-level strategic alternatives and implementation of tactical strategies (marketing mix).

You are expected to cover the following sections in your report:

Executive Summary

provide an overview on the company and a conscience of your report

Introduction: Business Scope

Section 1. Where we are now

a. External Analysis

b. Internal Analysis

Section 2. Where we want & need to be

a. Problems and Opportunity Statement (based on critical success factors and situation analysis)

b. Strategic Objectives

Section 3. How we are going to get there

a. High-level strategic planning and evaluation

b. Tactical Planning and Implementation