What Christian worldview integration thoughts come to mind from this material

Community Resilience Assignment

Reflection Journal Assignment Instructions
This reflection journal assignment is a way of responding to readings that requires you to interact with new ideas on several levels. In this assignment, you will be developing your four dimensions of critical thinking skills: analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. Note that your grade for each Reflection Journal depends on the quality and thoroughness of developing critical thinking skills as demonstrated in your response to each of the 3 sections below. You must include all 3 of the headings in the body of your paper. Use current APA standards throughout, and include the book reference at the end.
From Module 1 through Module 7, after you read your weekly assigned texts and review your online materials, you will write a weekly journal entry that includes the following:
Describe what you believe are the key ideas from this week’s readings (1 page).
How do these ideas impact you as you consider working with trauma clients
(1 page)
What Christian worldview integration thoughts come to mind from this material
(1 page)?
Your journal must be in current APA standards and include a reference page.