How low socioeconomic status effects young children in education

How low socioeconomic status effects young children in education

For Assignment 2, you developed a research topic and related questions about a problem and a population group that you are interested in studying. For example, problems that kids who are aging out of foster care may encounter; what type of interventions are helpful for adolescents with substance abuse problems; what causes homelessness, etc. Revise your assignment 1 and incorporate my comments and suggestions on your assignment 1, as part of Assignment 2.

For Assignment 2, identify relevant population statistics (demographics) for your population and general background information (such as definition, dimensions, scope) about the problem.

All references(including websites) should be properly cited, using the APA (American Psychological Association) reference style http

Please include relevant demographic and other descriptive information related to the problem. Much of the population statistics should be available online through governmental sites or research institutes, etc. (see below box for some examples).

Governmental Agencies/Organizations or Research Institutes (examples)

Child Welfare Information Gateway: (Links to an external site.)

National Institute of Mental Health: (Links to an external site.)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: (Links to an external site.)

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: (Links to an external site.)

Bureau of Justice Statistics: (Links to an external site.)

Southern Poverty Law Center: (Links to an external site.)

National Institute on Aging: (Links to an external site.)

Also Do a Quick Search of Google Scholar to for additional information on your topic. (Links to an external site.)

* Assignment one was completed so you may include all the information into this research paper. The feedback was good.

(* A demographic to center on would be immagrant children of color. As they are the minority and are not getting the best sevice early education.)