What constitutes the beginning of the Cold War and what was the end? What happened in between?

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The final exam has two parts, a long essay, (50 points) short essay questions (50 points). Please check your originality score before you submit.

answer the follow questions (large essay question and four short essay questions) individually and make sure to cite the weeks that they come from (week one). No points will be awarded if you don’t cite. Also make sure to check your originality report as well before you submit your exam.

(50 points)

From the end of WWII, the conflict known as the Cold War dominated politics on a global scale. Discuss how the Cold War affected individual experience, politics and political ideologies. How did this conflict play out between the US and USSR? What parts of the world were the most negatively affected by this global conflict and what parts were most positively affected? Make sure to be globally comprehensive in your answer and give many examples to support your claims. (2-4 pages)

no documents, or outside information can be used. All of the ideas expressed in the final must be your own. and derive only from the weekly readings. You may not cut/paste or paraphrase from weekly assignments.

Answer each question in a paragraph and cite where the information came from (only using your readings) 50 points.

1.What constitutes the beginning of the Cold War and what was the end? What happened in between?

2.How did the Cold War affect individual experience like the Civil Rights movement? Or the Nationalist movements in India, Israel, Ghana, South Africa or Kenya?

3.Who felt the brunt of the fight between the USSR and the USA? What countries and regions experienced negative consequences as a result of the Cold War? Consider Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

4.Please understand both the American political worldview and the Soviet worldview. Remember the perspectives about each side- where they monolithic? Did the US and USSR assert ideological dominance?