Choose a topic related to American politics to write about. The research paper counts a total of 300 points toward your final course grade

Choose a topic related to American politics to write about. The research paper counts a total of 300 points toward your final course grade (25 of those points are for the on-time submission of an approved topic in Module 3).

In your paper, you must show a good knowledge of readings in our textbook, and you must also draw on at least two credible sources from library databases (we will cover how to use the library databases in this course). Your paper will not just be just a summary of the material, but rather a critical analysis of the material. Open your paper with a thesis sentence articulating the main point of the paper, then move into a discussion of the evidence that supports your claim. The research paper should be at least five pages long in correct APA style, with standard margins, double-spaced text, and use a 12 point font. The cover sheet does not count as a page of your paper. The References page does not count as a page of your paper in calculating the total of five pages.