How might poor and working-class families be impacted differently by the COVID-19 pandemic compared to middle, upper-middle, and wealthy families? Provide examples and explain.

Our shared reading for this seminar is an excerpt from Annette Lareau’s Unequal Childhoods, Class, Race, and Family Life

Discussants, this seminar will serve as your Socratic 1 and is worth 10% of your course grade. You must submit a write-up and reply to a fellow discussant. If you don’t include a reply your assignment is incomplete and the highest grade an incomplete assignment can earn is a D.

Observers, you may comment on a discussant’s write-up in this topic, or the other ones this week. Whenever you are an observer, you only need to submit one comment even if there are several topics.

In staying true to the Socratic seminar method, I will not be leading the discussion. Rather, it is up to the discussants to initiate dialogue and offer evidence-based opinions on the required reading(s) (and/or videos/podcasts). Read the grading rubric to help with your first write-up. An example of an “A” write-up is also available below.

2. Reminders from the Socratic Seminar Directions and FAQs:

a. State your claim and support it with evidence or examples from the shared reading, video, or podcast.

b. Raise critical questions.

c. Explain your answers–a simple yes or no is not acceptable. You must explain.

d. You must raise at least 1 point and reply to at least 1 other student on the same topic.

e. When replying to a classmate address them by their name and use “I” phrases. (i.e. I agree with Vanessa because . . . . OR I disagree with Vanessa because . . . )

f. Your comment to a classmate is graded. Include substantive content and apply the same rigor in your comment to a classmate as you would in your initial write-up.

g. Support your statements with textual evidence (include quotes and specific page numbers).

Guiding Questions (Please answer all):

1. What is the main idea or underlying value in the text?

2. Which sociological theory (Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, or Symbolic Interactionism) is the reading framed in? Explain.

3. What concept from OpenStax Chapter 5: Socialization does the article help you understand better? Explain.

4. What is the most important sentence/paragraph? Explain.

5. How might poor and working-class families be impacted differently by the COVID-19 pandemic compared to middle, upper-middle, and wealthy families? Provide examples and explain.