Describe your chosen venture’s business model using the Business Model Canvas,

Required for Part B:
Prepare a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation maximum (6 slides) and
Prepare a video maximum (3 minutes) addressing the following question:

Describe your chosen venture’s business model using the Business Model
Canvas, identify its strengths and weaknesses. Identify a challenge or opportunity for improvement in the venture described. Develop a proposal for improvement in response to this, utilising formal concepts from the topics
4, 5, 7 and 8.
The video should be of duration no more than 3 minutes and
PowerPoint (PPT) presentation no more than 6 slides.
Intended Learning Outcomes: (L1, L2, L5)

Knowledge and understanding L1: The course will provide knowledge and understanding of the entrepreneurial skills, the stages of the entrepreneurship life cycle, the innovation tools and methods for the development of creative concepts and disruptive business models, and the design and execution of business models for capturing value from technological innovation. (Links to the following GMBA ILOs: A1, A2, A3)

Intellectual skills L2: The course will enhance the participant’s ability to analyse information and make critical judgements, to synthesise and analyse data, to critically reflect upon, and evaluate prior experiential learning and to draw reasoned conclusions. (Links to the following GMBA ILOs: B1, B3, B4, B6)

Transferable skills and
personal qualities L5: Participants will develop skills in time management, planning and undertaking research, and negotiation. (Links to the following GMBA ILOs: D1, D2, D3, D5)

Check EIM A2 Syllabus.

For Part B No.1:
Recommendations for presentation format are as follows:
1) The best slides may have no text at all.
2) Use high-quality graphics including photographs.
3) Use a consistent visual theme throughout your presentation.
4) Colour evokes feelings. Colour is emotional. The right colour can help persuade and motivate.
5) Fonts communicate subtle messages in and of themselves, which is why you should choose fonts deliberately. Use the same font set throughout your entire slide presentation and use no more than two complementary fonts.