Write a marketing communication plan for a project that you believe is needed in your own organisation addressing the core areas of a traditional communications plan:

Marketing Communications
This assignment should be completed in a REPORT formant and should be between
1,500 and 2,000 words.
Write a marketing communication plan for a project that you believe is needed in your own
organisation addressing the core areas of a traditional communications plan:
• Context analysis
• Promotional objectives
• Marketing communications strategy
• Co-ordinated promotional mix (methods, tools and media)
• Scheduling and implementation
• Resources (human and financial)
• Evaluation and control
• Feedback
• This plan can cover either internal or external communications or both.
The learning outcomes for this assignment are:
• Apply understanding of the marketing communications industry
• Analyse and assess the impact of economic factors on media industry decisions
• Analyse the roles of media creators, consumers, advertisers and other professions using
a media market model
• Apply understanding of techniques to measure the contribution to a business of a
successful marketing campaign