Which of the two Web pages would you recommend that a student use for preparing a speech or research paper about the topic? Explain your answer?

Thinking Critically About Websites and Global Issues:
The World Wide Web is a wonderful resource if you’re looking for the latest information on almost any topic; however, because anyone can post to the Web, the quality of that information can vary tremendously. This assignment will give you the chance to critically evaluate two different Web pages as you also explore an important global issue.

Step 1: Visit the Web page below. It will give you detailed information about how to critically evaluate Web resources you might encounter while you’re doing research. Read through the information then print it out for use in Steps 3 and 4:

Step 2: Explore two of the following sites: one from Group A and one from Group B.
Group A

Group B

Hunger in America


Hunger in America: The Definitions, Scope, Causes, History and Status of the Problem of Hunger in the United States

Donate – Volunteer – Find Help

Step 3: Answer the following questions:
a. In Step 1 you learned the important criteria for critically evaluating a Web page.
Keeping that information in mind, answer the following questions about the two Web
pages you chose in Step 2 (one from Group A and one from Group B).
Purpose: What is the purpose of the website? Why was the page created? Was it to: inform; entertain; share information; advertise/sell a product or service; influence views, beliefs, elections; provide up-to-the-moment news; or for personal enjoyment?

Sponsor/Owner: On what type of Internet provider or organization does the page reside? Government agency (.gov); educational (.edu); business/company (.com); association (.org); entertainment (.com); news bureau (.com); or a personal website (.com)?

Organization and Content: Is the page well organized and easy to navigate? Is the information easy to find? Is the text well written (good grammar, no spelling mistakes, etc.)? Are the links relevant and appropriate/worthwhile?

Bias – Political or Issue Stance: (of the author or sponsor) Some Web pages have an inherent bias that will impact everything that appears on them. Is the website associated with a particular political group; religious group; business selling a product; or something/someone else altogether?

Date of Production/Revision: When was the web page created? When was it last revised? How up-to-date are the links? Are the links still active (when you click on them they’re connected to more information)?

Authority/author: Who is responsible for the page? Is the author an expert in this field or otherwise qualified to provide this information? Does the author provide contact information, such as an e-mail address or phone number, in case you want to contact him/her?

What type of site is it? Is it a Website-only page; journal article; government source; presentation given at a workshop or conference; blog; or wiki?

Audience: To what type of reader is the Web page directed? Is the page for: general readers; students (elementary, high school, college, graduate); professionals; or researchers and scholars?

Coverage: Does the Web page thoroughly cover the topic, partially cover it, or is it just a brief overview? What, if anything is missing from the website?

Data: What type of data (numbers, tables, graphs, etc.), are provided on the Web page? Do both Web pages provide the same data? Or are there differences? Explain your answer.
(Source: http://lib.colostate.edu/howto/evalweb.html)

b. Which of the two Web pages would you recommend that a student use for preparing
a speech or research paper about the topic? Explain your answer?

c. How can you get involved and/or share the information you’ve learned with others?