Find an article, and a policy that discusses the right to die issue

APA format, 4 paragraphs( 2 papes), 2 sources. I have attached 3 sources so you can pick from the list any 2 sources.

1. Find an article, and a policy that discusses the right to die issue
a. Name the item you chose
The Right to die with dignity by lethal injection
b. Provide a summary AND reflection of the item you chose(minimum of 4 quality paragraphs.
c. Share your personal views on the right to die (this is the heart of your assignment and where most points will be counted) Things to reflect on can include: your views of active/passive euthanasia and why, should there be laws about this and why, if your primary care physician believed in the right to die and was able to aid in this would you still go to them/explain, would you support your parents in their right to die/explain and any additional views on this topic.