Describe what and/or who did they have a major influence on? Who influenced them?


Research an important figure in graphic design that you are not familiar with or who you know very little about.

Learn everything you can about that person (Erté) and in written form, paint a portrait of that person.

• Your essay should be put together using MicroSoft Word or InDesign.

• Please use Georgia Typeface, size 11 point, 1.5 lines spacing.

• Should be approximately 800–900 words.

• Your essay must include a minimum of 4 meaningful images/examples. Label them. The images you include should be connected in a meaningful way to the essay you are writing.

• Title: Firstname_Lastname_Project3

• Please use a minimum of 4 sources for this essay (books…which may include your textbook, journals, websites, video/film). You are not to cite Wikipedia, but rather use it as a starting pointfor deeper research. Please use a variety of sources (not all websites).

• Please use Chicago citation style.

Things you may want to include in your biographical essay about the person (Erté) you chose (these are suggestions is to get you started):

•Write about the person (Erté) as a creative/designer and focus on their contributions in their field, their community, etc. You should spend far less time telling us about their personal life (unless it plays a critical role in who they are as a designer).

•Start with and/or include a quote(s) either by or about your person you chose.(Erté) This should be something that reveals the essence of who they are and or what they do/did.

•Start with and/or include a fascinating story or anecdote that reflects something about them or how you feel about them.

•Describe the incredible accomplishments they achieved.

•Describe any obstacles they overcame.

•Include any major awards and why they are meaningful

•Describe what and/or who did they have a major influence on? Who influenced them?

•Describe how their work is relevant to you? To the world? To design?•Describe what their legacy is.

•Describe what they are most known for?

•If appropriate, describe how are they remembered?

•Why did you choose this person