Identify and describe a minimum of three weaknesses.

Marketing Problem
This assignment is to be done in groups of 5-6 students a) using SWOT analysis to analyze a real
business situation and b) developing a recommendation for action based on your situation analysis.
There is a business situation and decision requirement described in appendix A that explains the
business situation that each group is to consider for the assignment. Each group is to conduct a
situation analysis of the business situation with the decision in mind. Based on the outcome of your
situation analysis, your group must make a recommendation.
Each assignment must have a title page with the following information: Assignment name, course name
and number, professor’s name, section number, group number, the names and last two digits of student
ID numbers for each of the two submitters, and date of submission.
• 8 ½ by 11 format
• 12 point font
• 1.5 spacing
• Sentence-paragraph format
• Maximum 9 pages, excluding title page and appendix2
Assignment Components
The assignment will include the following components:

1) Overall Setup (- 5 marks if not present) – Each paper must have a title page and page

2) Situation Analysis – Strengths (15 marks) –Identify and describe a minimum of three
strengths. These are internal to the company and focus on the company’s capabilities, resources
and processes in comparison to their competitors’ capabilities, resources and processes. You
must support each strength, which you identify by relevant and appropriately cited evidence, and
clearly articulate how each strength will affect the company’s future.

3) Situation Analysis – Weaknesses (15 marks) – Identify and describe a minimum of three
weaknesses. These are internal to the company and focus on the company’s capabilities,
resources and processes in comparison to their competitors’ capabilities, resources and
processes. You must support each weakness, which you identify by relevant and appropriately
cited evidence, and clearly articulate how each weakness will affect the company’s future.

4) Situation Analysis – Opportunities (15 marks) –Identify and describe a minimum of three
opportunities. These are external to the company and focus on the factors identified in the
CREST framework (i.e. competitive, regulatory, economic, social, demographic and
technological factors). You must support each opportunity, which you identify by relevant and
appropriately cited evidence, and clearly articulate how each opportunity will affect the
company’s future.

5) Situation Analysis – Threats (15 marks) – Identify and describe a minimum of three threats.
These are external to the company and focus on factors identified in the CREST framework (i.e.
competitive, regulatory, economic, social, demographic and technological factors). You must
support each threat, which you identify by relevant and appropriately cited evidence, and clearly
articulate how each threat will affect the company’s future.

6) Recommendation (15 marks) – Based on the SWOT analysis, make a recommendation for
action. Identify and describe how this recommendation: a) maximizes strengths,

b) minimizes

c) leverages opportunities and

d) addresses threats. All recommendations must be
supported by relevant and appropriately cited facts described in the situational analysis above.
Appendices –
a. SWOT Table (10 marks)
b. References (-5 if not present)
c. Peer Evaluation (-5 marks if not submitted).