What are ways that history is relevant in the present and continues to impact it?


Now that the course is coming to a close, it is time to reflect on what you’ve learned.

For this final assignment, answer the following questions:

Chapters 16-29

What are two of the most important or interesting topics you’ve learned about in U.S. history? (One paragraph for each. Describe in detail. In other don’t simply state that you learned a lot about a topic; be specific about WHAT you learned. Use sources where applicable for the most details.)

What topic(s) do you wish we would have spent more time exploring and why? (One paragraph.)

What are ways that history is relevant in the present and continues to impact it? (One paragraph.)


Responses should be in paragraph form; four paragraphs total.

12pt, Times New Roman font, double-spaced

APA Style citations and reference page