What stood out to you? What stayed with you after watching the intervention?

Counselling Therapies, Session 4: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

https://video.alexanderstreet.com/channel/counseling-and-therapy-in-video (Links to an external site.)

Please use the following headings to structure your paper and answer the relevant questions:
Connection to theory (marked out of 3)
What theoretical concepts (e.g., specific interventions, worldview, etc.) from the textbook did you see demonstrated or at play in this intervention? Make specific references to the text.
Comment on limitations: Was anything missing, overlooked, or minimized?
What counselling concerns might this intervention be particularly effective for? What concerns might it not be a good fit for?
Did you notice any evidence that diversity was accounted for? If so, what? If not, what do you think could have been done better/differently?

Personal Reflections (marked out of 3)
What kinds of thoughts and emotions came up while watching the video?
What stood out to you? What stayed with you after watching the intervention?
Was there anything that you disliked and/or made you uncomfortable?
Was there anything surprising or unexpected for you?
What questions did you have about what you watched?
3 double spaced pages.