Demonstrate your ability to carry out research by referring to more than one type of academic source


4,000 – word written assignment information

This written assignment is a critical analysis of the knowledge, skills and values developed through the creation of your project.

This is not written as a reflective piece in the first person, but as an academic analysis of developmental areas – written in the third person.

The piece should be fully underpinned with suitable academic citations, considering models and theories – be cautious of self-plagiarism, specifically around the content of your presentation. Do not self-plagiarise your presentation!

Knowledge – what would you expect professional practitioners to have knowledge and an understanding of working in the arena of the placement setting?; what theories and models are relevant? – why?; what legislation is relevant? – why?; what policies and practices would you expect to be in place? – why?

Skills – what are the skills required to work in the arena of the placement setting? – why?

Values – what are the values which you would expect to see underpinning the work of the placement setting and the staff working there? – why?

In your written assignment you will be expected to:

1. Use the Harvard referencing system to show clearly where you have obtained the knowledge you are using when you are quoting the words of other writers.

2. Demonstrate your ability to carry out research by referring to more than one type of academic source (text, journals, credible website, professional literature etc), ensuring you have accessed the materials provided in the reading list and in teaching sessions.

3. Present your work in a clear, legible way with a high regard to grammar, spelling and punctuations, use of paragraphs etc.

4. Give the module title, module code, assignment title and word count clearly at the start of your work using the correct front cover sheet.