Demonstrate an ability to negotiate, plan and implement a specific project in a health and social care setting which will benefit service users.

The Case Study and assessments for this module have been designed to help you demonstrate that you are ready to enter practice as an informed and adaptable worker.

In addition to Coursework 1,

Coursework 2 provides an assessment of practice so you can demonstrate how you could work within a placement agency to develop your project.

Coursework 2 links to Module Learning Outcome 2 which is:

2. demonstrate an ability to negotiate, plan and implement a specific project in a health and social care setting which will benefit service users.

Students must demonstrate how the project benefitted service-users, carers, staff and/or the organization, as well as:

• offer a critical review of the project which is underpinned by appropriate literature;

• show that ethical practice (for example, confidentiality, consent and/or anti-discriminatory practice) has been adhered to;

• use Power point as a suitable medium for the presentation which can be uploaded on the Pebble Pad portfolio.

To pass the assessment students must demonstrate they have met the learning outcome by being able to deliver a formal presentation based on a project during the placement using the following format:

• Introduction

• Background

• Needs Assessment

• Design and Planning

• Implementation

• Evaluation

• Reference list

The delivery time of your presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes.