Briefly discuss the planning and management of the project and the design, implementation and evaluation of the product

Bsc Computing degree

Describe the product and clearly explain the
contribution you have made to its development
If this is a team project, briefly explain how
your part of the project relates to the whole
Briefly discuss the planning and management
of the project and the design, implementation
and evaluation of the product
3 min
Explain the purpose of your product and its
usefulness to end users
Demonstrate the parts of the product that you
have implemented, and explain how they fit into
the overall product architecture
o Explain how you used and customised
code written by others to implement your
Demonstrate the quality of your product
o Do you have a minimal viable product or
have you implemented a fuller featured
solution? If so, in what ways?
o Does your product meet relevant quality
Explain how you tested the product to ensure
o Include discussion of the full range of
testing e.g. unit, system, end-user, etc